Bi fold doors are a common, stylish feature of modern households usually leading onto a patio or garden. Bi fold doors are two panels connected by hinges in the centre, a door handle on one of the side panels allows the door to be folded together creating an opening. Sometimes the glass in the doors may get chipped, extremely dirty or cracked, the Bi-fold door system is extremely dimensional but needs clean and clear glass to complete the designer home appearance.
A sash window, has moveable panels or sashes that create a frame in which glass panes are held, often the panes are separated creating the appearance of more than one window and allowing a large source of light in. Although these windows are traditional, they are also high maintenance and need repairing often to keep them in good shape. It is common that sash window frames will become damage from withstanding weather or become jammed over time, however they can be easily repaired and restored.
Common problems with glass and windows are draughts, poor insulation, noise pollution and rattling from the wind. Not only is this extremely distressing for people living in the house, but can also tarnish the appearance of the house, a quick window or new glass fitting will not only give the house a makeover but will also cure these common problems that could be preventing your sleep and your health.
Double glazed windows add value to a property and are considered essential for those looking to buy or those living in a property. replacing the glass in windows and doors often adds to the amount of natural light that will enter the home, it often goes unnoticed the state windows are in and how the damages on them may be preventing light entering your property, it is crucial to fix these issues, which are easily done, so you can have natural lighting in the home. Another factor is that replacing a glass window or door may save you considerable amounts of heat affecting your energy bills, a new window could save 75% of energy, this can be done simply by chasing the glass with no affect to the windowsill or frame.